Growing quality produce that feeds the mind in an environment that nurtures the soul
Information about organic status, pesticides, and our farming practices.
We hope the following information provides the answers you are seeking. If not, please contact us directly by calling 570-546-5706 and leave a message, if needed, so that we may help.
Is your farm certified organic? Our farm is not certified organic yet we do follow many of the same practices.
As you might know, the definition of organically grown produce is food grown and processed using NO synthetic (man made) fertilizers or pesticides. Pesticides derived from natural sources CAN be used in producing organically grown food though. Which means, pesticides can be used in organic farming, they just cannot be man made.
What is a pesticide? A pesticide is an application used to prevent, destroy, or repel pests. Pests that we protect from on our farm include insects, invasive plants/weeds, fungus, or microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. We have chosen to use both synthetic and non-synthetic pesticides in our farming practices. We feel a combination of both types keeps us and our consumers safe, is economical, and maintains nutrient rich soil. At the same time, it keeps us from using an abundant amount of man power, reduces our fuel use, and cuts down on expensive reapplication rates. We feel our approach utilizes traditional sustainable practices that ensure our product has a great quality while at the same time keeps the utmost safety of our consumers in mind.
What type of farming practice do you use? The type of practice we use is called Integrated Pest Management (IPM) We feel this is the best type for our farm in order to preserve sustainable agriculture for our generation and the generations to come. As an example, the blueberry plants on our farm were planted in the late 1970’s and through decades of care, are being harvested to this day. We feel this is sustainability at its best.
What is Integrated Pest Management? Integrated Pest Management or IPM is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management. It relies on a combination of common-sense practices. IPM programs use current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. This information, in combination with available pest control methods, is used to manage pest damage with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment by the most economical means. Basically, we watch over our fields on a daily basis checking for pests of any nature that would ruin our plants or produce. If a pest is detected, we act accordingly. We do not apply pesticides unless absolutely necessary. We reduce their usage as much as possible for safety reasons and for expense. Please know that we not only grow food for you and your family, but we are beyond fortunate to live steps away from the fields you visit. Our own children and family eat the same produce you take home after you visit. Plus, applications are expensive. We continue to keep your wallet and ours in mind when determining what we do on our land.
We also feel that it is important for our consumers to know that Jarod, who is one of the owners of the farm and lives on the property, earned his pesticide applicator’s license in 2005 and has kept it up to date. He has attended conventions, private classes and seminars to learn about the most safe and effective methods to prevent and treat diseases that may damage our crops. His knowledge base and certification is always current. All products used on our farm are approved by the FDA and are always applied in compliance with local, state, and federal laws.
Some folks have inquired about the specific names of the pesticides that we apply to our crops. It is our policy not to disclose these specific names. Why? Through decades of knowledge and expertise we have developed a dynamic IPM plan that effectively treats fungi, weeds, and insects that we consider proprietary. We do take into consideration the certain cases of consumer allergies or intolerances to products that we may use. Jarod would be more than happy to address these concerns on a private individual basis when necessary.
In closing, please remember that we personally live steps away from the fields where we all enjoy the tastes of nature’s bounty. Our family’s safety in consuming the fruit and the proximity to the fields we apply pesticides to is our highest priority. We take pride in safely passing these practices along to you and your family as well.
Your local farmers and friends at The Green Barn Berry Farm,
Jarod and Robyn Schreiber - Owners